Expert-led therapy intensives to help you feel better quickly.
Accelerated Processing Therapy Intensives
You’ve accomplished nearly all of your goals, yet you feel unsure of yourself.
At work, you feel incredibly capable and influential. Yet, sometimes you find yourself white-knuckling through anxiety spirals and self-doubt in between meetings.
Why can’t you stay grounded when your partner talks about tense topics? Or easily ask for what you need? Instead, you react with big emotions, such as shame, rage, and criticism towards yourself or others – and this isn’t how you want to be.
If your default is: “Just try harder”, “It must be my fault”, or “I’m not good enough”, a therapy intensive can help you clear these limiting beliefs, clearing the way for you to make your impact on the world.
Accelerated Processing Therapy Intensives
Full-day sessions that allow you to feel better now rather than months or years from now.
Therapy Intensives are great for…
▸ Stuck memories that are upsetting or disturbing
▸ Anxiety, depression, panic attacks, phobias
▸ Adult children of parents with undiagnosed/untreated mental illness and/or substance use disorders
▸ Past Traumatic Experiences: Flashbacks, overwhelming feelings, avoiding places/things that remind you of the trauma.
▸ Recent traumatic experiences: I can help you process the event quickly and minimize the possibility of lasting trauma symptoms.
Therapy Intensives aren’t great for…
▸ Active suicidality: You are having thoughts about hurting yourself or others – and have means or a plan to do so.
▸ Severe Dissociation: Some dissociation is okay, as I have extensive experience with dissociative disorders.
▸ When you don’t have your basic needs (food, shelter, safety) met. This may block processing or hinder results.
Don’t wait months or years to experience profound results
Feel Better Quickly, Days not Years
Not only is a Therapy Intensive condensed in terms of length of treatment (days, not months), it also requires less therapy time overall to achieve the same results. Many of my clients start to experience a shift within a few hours of starting.
Get to the Root of the Issue
The difficult truth: Your pain will keep happening unless we heal the core root. The intensive container provides you a focused, concentrated space to identify the root, and then unravel the layers of trauma to provide lasting relief.
Give Your Pain the Attention it Needs
Have you ever been talking to your therapist and right when you get to the main point of your issue, the time is up? Doing an Intensive allows your pain to be held in the space it needs, instead of being repeatedly paused after 50 minutes.
Research shows that EMDR intensives are as effective as weekly EMDR sessions – both in decreasing upsetting symptoms and achieving lasting results.
Alli Christie Disney
LPC, EMDR, IFS Trained, SE [ she/her ]
I bring the following qualities to create an effective intensive:
▸ Clear Direction
No more guesswork or talking in circles. I identify the real root and keep us on track to help it be cleared for good.
▸ Clinical Leadership
You (finally) don’t have to drive if you don’t want to. You can trust that I’ll lead our intensive where it needs to go for the best results.
▸ Unshakable Presence
Disturbing memories you’ve never told anyone? Overwhelming emotions? Critical feedback for me? I’m here for all of it.
Want to Chat?
Which Therapy Intensive Approach is Right for You?
Targeted Approach
$1.8k PER DAY
1–3 days | 6 hrs per day
▸ Best For: Specific themes, individual events, or a specific time period that was traumatic or stressful such as single-incident trauma (i.e. car accident, shooting, assault, bad break up) or stressors that spanned weeks or months.
▸ How It Works: We clarify your goals, target the core issue and distressing memories, and then we do targeted work to heal it. We keep our day(s) focused on a single goal so you end your intensive experiencing significant relief.
Comprehensive Approach
$1.8k PER DAY
Starts at 5-7 days | frequency varies
▸ Best For: Tackling every significant category of unresolved pain and healing it at the root. Such as life-long limiting beliefs, disturbing themes, developmental trauma, areas where you feel stuck, and stressors that spanned years.
▸ How It Works: I help you identify every significant category of unresolved pain, and create a comprehensive treatment plan. Then we do the work to heal all of it. You walk out on your last day, and you are FREE.
An Accelerated Processing Therapy Intensive can be the difference between having a powerful impact on the world and years white-knuckling between anxiety spirals.
Three Powerful Modalities Woven Together for Rapid Results.
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) taps into your body’s default ability to process traumatic memories to help you integrate them into a more adaptive and less distressing narrative resulting in low to no distress.
Internal Family Systems
Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a non-pathologizing approach that helps us work with the splintered, polarized, or at-odds parts of you, like when one part of you wants to change and another part is concerned how that will impact others.
Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing (SE) allows you to address physical sensations that arise related to upsetting material whether that’s shakes, a pit in your stomach, or the clenching chest and jaw that arises any time you think about what happened.
Unshakeable Self-Trust
The unwavering confidence that you’ll be okay no matter what happens, because of who you are.
What Does a Typical Intensive Day Look Like?
You’ll start with scheduling a free 45-min consultation. I’ll ask about your goals for the intensive and provide you with an estimated amount of days for the work. If it’s a good fit, I will offer you my first opening so you can get started.
If you’re traveling to the Denver area for your intensive, I’ll provide recommended accommodations for you to stay near my office.
A standard processing day will be at my office, from 9am-3pm, with an hour for lunch. We’ll identify key goals, resources, and limiting beliefs. Then we identify the target memories underneath. We will do 3 sets of 90-minute processing sessions. We take as many breaks as you want!
We’ll use the last 30 minutes to help you calm and regulate, and plan for the next day. Subsequent days are working on the treatment plan we set up on day one.
I’ll provide a comprehensive summary that contains the targets we have worked on, and what processing has been completed, identification of any major parts-work we have done, as well as any remaining topics of concern. I will send this treatment summary to you and any additional therapists or providers you wish.
If I’m collaborating with your individual or couples therapist, I’ll coordinate a debriefing call with them to help connect your intensive experience to your ongoing therapy goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
Not as intense as they sound! Most clients leave the office at the end of each day feeling tired, but deeply accomplished and lighter. Therapy Intensives compress the entire process into a concentrated timeframe, often 3 to 6 hours a day, for 1 to 5 days. This condensed format allows you to delve deeply into your healing journey without the interruptions of the standard once-a-week session model. What makes an intensive ‘intensive’ is the increased amount of time all at once; The actual emotional intensity is not increased. (Phew face)
That’s okay! I know how to work with that! In fact, you’d be surprised how much this is part of the process. With my unique multi-modality approach (EMDR, IFS, SE), I have a vast tool kit to work with and can bring in the best approach based on what’s happening for you in the moment.
Yes! I believe in getting you the best support for your therapy goals, and that may mean doing a combination of focused work via intensives AND ongoing weekly therapy. I will collaborate with your current therapist to help us all be on the same page and focus your intensive to align with your weekly therapy goals. I provide a comprehensive treatment summary report after our work together and connect with your therapist to make the handoff seamless.
During your free 45-min consultation, I’ll ask your goals for the intensive and provide you with an estimated amount of days required to get through the amount of material you mention. I will collaborate with you on the best-fit pacing for the intensive. You may start to feel a shift as soon as Day 1. Many of my clients report feeling lighter as soon as a few hours into the session. Each target we resolve/process is a lifting of a weight you have carried… the more we do, the freer and better you will feel.
I am licensed in Colorado - meaning you have to be located here when we do the intensive, but you do not need to live here. Many clients fly in for a week, considering it a therapy retreat/intensive. I can do ½ day intensives online, but full and multi-day intensives are in person. Here is more information about where to stay and what to do if you visit Denver.
Therapy intensives are an investment, but they are ideal for anyone who believes their time is their most precious resource and that their healing is a priority. Because weekly therapy and intensives are two distinct services, it’s hard to compare their cost between them hour to hour, and each has their place in your therapy goals. However, when you consider the potential results in less time, therapy intensives may be ideal for you.
For fellow therapists, mental health providers, and colleagues:
If you’re considering referring to me…
My entire practice is devoted to offering day-long therapy intensives that blend together EMDR, IFS, and SE. I see intensives as an excellent adjunct to weekly therapy, that can support your clients who can’t get to the root in weekly sessions, or need weekly sessions for ongoing support or skill-building. If you’re trained in EMDR, IFS, or SE, I can seamlessly apply these modalities to intensive work so that they align with your individual approach.
If you’d like to consult on if a client could be a good fit, please reach out via email: or phone: 402.765.8761
If you’re considering working with me as a client…
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a therapist who could hold the space like you do? Who truly gets it? Accelerated Processing Intensives are the perfect match for the ‘stuff’ you’ve been aware of forever, but have not had the space or time to devote your attention to.
Meanwhile, you know that this “stuff” is impacting your life, relationships, and – if we’re honest – maybe even your clinical work. You hold so much space for your clients. A therapy intensive can allow you to have more capacity for both your personal and professional life.